If you are looking for free instrumental music to use in your multimedia projects you have found the right place. In this post, besides telling you where to download free background music, we will talk about all the issues that may be related to this type of music.
But first of all…
What is background music?
Free background music or ambient music is a type of music that is characterized by the type of use it is given. As its name suggests, it is meant to be listened to involuntarily and serves as an accompaniment to another element of greater importance. In general, it’s played at a low volume to avoid attracting attention and is prepared to be played in a loop.
Background music is also called functional music or ambient music in other areas, which is nothing more than accompanying music (usually instrumental music) to add life to certain events or places. It is complementary music that can be used to enhance audiovisual scenes, such as video games and other multimedia projects, or in other more everyday areas such as lifts, waiting rooms, businesses, etc.
Usually, background music is related to the stage or the place where it’s playing. Like, for example, sci-fi music can be played in a futuristic or fantasy game, or mystery music in a horror story.
Today you can choose among a lot of royalty-free background music for videos, games or multimedia projects in general and make your idea come true.
Where to download royalty-free background music?
Well, my friend, that’s a good question, but also an easy one to answer. You can download royalty-free background music right here on this site. Check out my non-copyrighted music and download all the music you need for free, it’s copyright-free!
But I know that even though many people may like my music, you may be looking for something else. I have a long repertoire of instrumental background music but I know it might not be enough. I am doing my best to offer always good quality songs and this takes time.
Sometimes it’s hard to find exactly what one is needing. So, here’s a classic: You can find more royalty-free background music for download by searching on the Internet.
Today there is a lot of YouTube channels offering free background music or sound effects with an animated videos. Just by entering the words no copyright music or royalty-free music you will find several music playlists with tracks for free use in your videos.
I also have my own YouTube channel, if you want to take a look it’s the same instrumental music that I offer on this website, although I don’t upload all my music to the channel (oh, laziness):
Best websites with free BGM
I don’t know how you got to this page, but Google, Bing and many others are a good search engines to find what you need. They set an order to the search results and will show you the web pages in order of highest to lowest relevance.
It is true that sometimes this order may not be accurate, and sometimes even the search results don’t show just what you need. But at least if you’re looking for royalty-free background music or sound effects you will find websites related to this term, and of course, background music for download and use in your ideas.
Just keep in mind that each website may have different music licenses and its use may not be allowed for commercial purposes. And sometimes royalty-free music can be a paid resource, that is, you have to pay first to be able to acquire it (either a monthly or yearly subscription, or an individual payment for each song), it’s not simply to download it and that’s it.
Is this free background music for videos?
In principle, yes, it is. But I say ‘in principle’ because even if you use this music in your video with a free license, there may be restrictions at the time of distributing your video. For example, if your video is broadcasted on TV without audience limits, the license may not allow this.
But if your video is going to be broadcasted over the Internet, you probably don’t need to worry about this.
What about your free instrumental music?
As I said, in case my music isn’t enough for what you were planning to do, it’s best to keep all of the above in mind before doing a YouTube search or wherever.
But my free instrumental music was made for indie games developers, YouTube content creators, indie filmmakers, and for absolutely any people who need free BGM. And it’s Creative Commons music with an attribution conditions, so the only thing you have to do is to credit patrickdearteaga.com when using it. Of course, there are more options if you won’t be able to give credit, just visit the licensing page.
I don’t know what else to say that you don’t know yet. Royalty-free background music is all around us, not too hard to find it. You just have to understand that there are free music, and paid music, and that both of them may have their own use licenses.
May the Music be with you!